Gian Battista Ponchino Neptune in a chariot drawn by sea-horses Palazzo Ducale
Giambattista Tiepolo Neptune Offering the Riches of the Sea to Venice Palazzo Ducale
Giambattista Tiepolo Neptune Offering the Riches of the Sea to Venice (detail) Palazzo Ducale
Paolo Caliari, Veronese Mars and Neptune Palazzo Ducale
the birth of venus
Charles Haslewood Shannon The Birth of Venus San Domenico Museum, Forlì
Émile-René Ménard The Birth of Venus Soumaya
Sandro Botticelli The Birth of Venus Uffizi
Alexandre Cabanel Cleopatra KMSKA Antwerp
Guido Cagnacci Cleopatra's Suicide Kunsthistorisches
Guido Cagnacci Cleopatra's Suicide (detail) Kunsthistorisches
bacchic scenes
Pompeii Bacchus and the Vesuvius National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Pompeii Bacchus and the Vesuvius (detail) National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Annibale Carracci Bacco Capodimonte
Bacchus 2nd century AD, Roman Kunsthistorishes
Francesco Fracanzano Triumph of Bacchus Capodimonte
Francesco Fracanzano Triumph of Bacchus (detail) Capodimonte
Leandro Izaguirre Los Borrachos Museo Nacional de Arte
Michaelina Woutier Bacchanal Kunsthistorisches
Sebastiano Ricci Bacchanal in honour of Pan (detail)
Francesco Zuccarelli Baccanale Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia
Bacchus leaning on Satyr 2nd century AD Rome Uffizi
Giovanni Dupré The Festive Bacchus Pitti Palace
Maerten van Heemskerck The Triumphal Procession of Bacchus Kunsthistorisches
Guido Reni Bacchus Pitti Palace
Head of Bacchus 1st - 2nd century AD San Antonio Museum of Art
Aimé-Jules Dalou Bacchanal Victoria and Albert Museum
Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse Triton and Bacchante, Triton et bacante Soumaya
Jean-Jacques Pradier Baccante Museo Nacional de San Carlos
Adriaen de Vries Bacchant Rijksmuseum
Adriaen de Vries Bacchant Rijksmuseum
Baccio Bandinelli Bacchus Pitti Palace