Romanticism (1770 - 1850)
Charles Edward Perugini I know a maiden fair to see, take care Minneapolis Institute of Art
Eugenio Lan Self-portrait Museo Nacional de San Carlos
Giuseppe Bezzuoli St. Michael the Archangel Uffizi
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon The Union of Love and Friendship Minneapolis Institute of Art
Eugène Delacroix Christ on the Cross KMSKA, Antwerp
Giuseppe Bezzuoli Love Overcomes Might Uffizi
Eugenio Landesio Valley of Mexico from Tenayo Hill Museo Nacional de Arte
Gustaf Wappers Young Artist Daydreaming KMSKA, Antwerp
Giuseppe Bezzuoli St. Philomena Uffizi
John Hoppner Portrait of Elizabeth, Countess of Mexborough Museo Nacional de San Carlos
Thomas Lawrence William Welberforce National Portrait Gallery
Giuseppe Bezzuoli Assumption of the Virgin (detail) Uffizi
Giuseppe Bezzuoli Ceres in search of Proserpina Uffizi
Friedrich von Nerly Piazza San Marco in Venice at Moonlight Soumaya
Friedrich Von Nerly A View of the Grand Canal with the Palazzo Soumaya
Giuseppe Bezzuoli Leonardo Bruni Promotes the Founding of the Ospedale degli Innocenti Museo degli Innocenti
Giuseppe Bezzuoli Lot and Daughters Leave Sodom (detail) Uffizi
Giuseppe Bezzuoli Squires Uffizi
Francesco Hayez Self-Portrait Uffizi
Francesco Podesti Angel Judge who Punishes the Guilty Museo Nacional de San Carlos
Francesco Podesti Angel Judge who Punishes the Guilty (detail) Museo Nacional de San Carlos
Toby Edward Rosenthal Elaine Art Institute of Chicago
Charles von Steuben Napoleon's Death Soumaya
Franz Ittenbach Madonna and Child Minneapolis Institute of Art
Joseph von Führich Jacob Encountering Rachel with her Father's Herds San Domenico Museum, Forlì
romantic sculpture
Antonio Rossetti (attributed to) Secret Love Soumaya
Giovanni Battista Trabucco Nymph Soumaya
Ferdinando Andreini Nymph Soumaya