mannerism (1520 - 1600)
Alessandro Allori Charity Minneapolis Institute of Art
Francesco Salviati Charity Uffizi
Parmigianino Madonna with the Long Neck Uffizi
Alessandro Allori The Resurrection of Lazarus Church of Saint Augustine, Ancona
Andrea del Sarto (follower of) Madonna and Child with Infant Saint John the Baptist Soumaya
Andrea Piccinelli Madonna and Child with St. Dominic, St. John the Baptist, and angels Uffizi
Agostino Tesauro Madonna and Child Capodimonte
Andrea Piccinelli Madonna with Child and Saint John Capodimonte
Bronzino Ritratto di dama Capodimonte
Bartolomeo Passerotti Portrait of a Gentleman with Two Dogs Uffizi
Bronzino Portrait of Giovanni de'Medici as a Child Uffizi
Bronzino and workshop Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist The Art Institute of Chicago
Rosso Fiorentino Enthroned Madonna and Child with four saints (detail) Uffizi
Bronzino Lamentation over the Dead Christ Uffizi
Andrea del Sarto The Lamentation of Christ Kunsthistorisches
Francesco Salviati Deposition from the Cross Santa Croce
Bronzino Portrait of the Dwarf Morgante Palazzo Pitti
Bronzino Pygmalion and Galatea Uffizi
Bronzino Resurrection Santissima Annunziata
Bronzino The Holy Family with St. Anna and the Boy John Kunsthistorisches
Daniele da Volterra Madonna with Child, young Saint John the Baptist and Saint Barbara Uffizi
Jacopo Pontormo Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John Uffizi
Fabrizio Santafede Madonna with Child and Saints Capodimonte
Fabrizio Santafede Adoration of the Shepherds Capodimonte
Aert Mijtens Madonna of the Rosary Capodimonte
Francesco Brina (attributed to) Aurora Casa Buonarroti
Francesco Brina (attributed to) Leda and the Swan Casa Buonarroti
Francesco Brina (attributed to) Venus and Cupid Casa Buonarroti
Lelio Orsi Saint George and The Dragon Capodimonte
Semolei Battle of Montemurlo Uffizi
Semolei Battle of Montemurlo (detail) Uffizi
Semolei Battle of Montemurlo (detail) Uffizi
Semolei Battle of Montemurlo (detail) Uffizi
Jacopo Pontormo Chiostrino dei Voti
Jacopo Pontormo Expulsion from Paradise Uffizi
Alessandro Allori Capella di San Girolamo Basilica della Santissima Annunziatad
Parmigianino Lucrezia Capodimonte
Parmigianino Portrait of a Man with Book Kunsthistorisches
Parmigianino Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror Kunsthistorisches
Jacopo Pontormo Alessandro de'Medici The Art Institute of Chicago
Andrea del Sarto Archangel Raphael with Tobias, St. Leonardo and the Patron Leonardo di Lorenzo Morelli Kunsthistorisches
Giuseppe Arcimboldo (circle of) Flora Soumaya
Giuseppe Arcimboldo Fire Kunsthistorisches
Giuseppe Arcimboldo Summer Kunsthistorisches
Giuseppe Arcimboldo Water Kunsthistorisches
Giuseppe Arcimboldo Winter Kunsthistorisches
Giovanni Balducci Presentation in the Temple (detail) Capodimonte
Alessandro Allori Natività della Vergine Cappella della Natività
Andrea del Sarto Chiostrino dei Voti Santissima Annunziata
Andrea del Sarto Chiostrino dei Voti Santissima Annunziata
Andrea del Sarto Two Female Figures and Two Putti Uffizi
Andrea del Sarto Two Female Figures and Two Putti Uffizi
Francesco Salviati The Three Fates Pitti Palace
Francesco Salviati Virile Portrait Pitti Palace
Giuseppe Porta, Salviati Resurrection of Christ Palazzo Ducale
Lelio Orsi Sacrifice of Abraham Capodimonte
Michele Tosini The Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist Soumaya
Teofilo Torri Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine Badia delle Sante Flora e Lucilla, Arezzo
Antonio Circignani The Resurrection of Lazarus Church of Our Lady of Consolation, Roma
Antonio Circignani Wedding at Cana Church of Our Lady of Consolation, Roma
Aurelio Luini Pietà Soumaya
Parmigianino Bow-carving Amor Kunsthistorisches
Alessandro Allori Cristo Giudice, Christ the Judge Casa Buonarroti
Andrea Schiavone Cain and Abel Pitti Palace
Fabrizio Santafede Sacra Famiglia con Eterno Padre Chiesa dei Girolamini
Francesco Morandini, Poppi Crucifixion with St. Mary Magdalen, the Madonna, St. John, St. Francis and St. Nicholas of Bari Museo degli Innocenti
Francesco Morandini, Poppi Madonna Enthroned with the Christ Child and Angels, with Nocentine in Adoration Museo degli Innocenti
Francesco Morandini The Three Graces Uffizi
northern mannerism
Cornelis van Haarlem Diana as Goddess of the Hunt Minneapolis Institute of Art
Cornelis van Haarlem The Fall of Man Rijksmuseum
Cornelis van Haarlem Venus, Cupid, and Ceres Art Institute of Chicago
Dirk Herndricksz The Madonna of the Rosary Capodimonte
Bartholomäus Spranger Heracles, Deianira and the Centaur Nessos Kunsthistorisches
Bartholomäus Spranger Jupiter and Antiope Kunsthistorisches
Bartholomäus Spranger Minerva victorious over Ignorance Kunsthistorisches
Bartholomäus Spranger Minerva victorious over Ignorance (detail) Kunsthistorisches
Bartholomäus Spranger Minerva victorious over Ignorance (detail) Kunsthistorisches
Bartholomäus Spranger Odysseus and Circe Kunsthistorisches
Bartholomäus Spranger Venus at the Forge of Vulcan Kunsthistorisches
Bartholomäus Spranger Venus at the Forge of Vulcan (detail) Kunsthistorisches
Bartholomäus Spranger Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus will feel cold Kunsthistorisches
new spanish mannerism
Baltasar de Echave Ibía Penitent Magdalen Museo Nacional de Arte MUNAL
Baltasar de Echave Ibía Saint Matthew Museo Nacional de Arte MUNAL
Baltasar de Echave Orio The Martyrdom of Saint Pontianus Museo Nacional de Arte MUNAL
mannerist sculpture
Adriaen de Vries Bacchant Rijksmuseum
Adriaen de Vries Bacchant Rijksmuseum
Adriaen de Vries Bacchant Rijksmuseum
Francesco Curradi The Fame brings out Michelangelo over those that preceded him Casa Buonarroti
Domenico Cresti, Il Passignano Funeral of St Antonius San Marco, Firenze
Scipione Pulzone The Annunciation Capodimonte
Cardi Ludovico, il Cigoli Pietà Capodimonte
Marcello Venusti The Dream and Allegory of Time Uffizi
Marcello Venusti The Dream and Allegory of Time (detail) Uffizi
Marcello Venusti The Dream and Allegory of Time (detail) Uffizi
Marcello Venusti The Dream and Allegory of Time (detail) Uffizi
Giuseppe Cesari Perseus Liberates Andromeda Kunsthistorisches
Jacopino del Conte Madonna of the Innocent Museo degli Innocenti
Cristoforo Roncalli, Il Pomarancio Apparizione della Vergine ai santi Giuseppe e Antonio da Padova Chiesa dei Girolamini
Cristoforo Roncalli, il Pomarancio Sant'Agnese Chiesa dei Girolamini
Santi di Tito Madonna col Bambino, Dio Padre, angeli e i santi Giovanni Evangelista, Francesco, Giovanni Battista e Girolamo Ognissanti
Marcello Venusti Crucifix with the Virgin, Saint Giovanni and two mourning angels Casa Buonarroti