museum archive . 25
leda and the swan
Luca Giordano Leda and the Swan Capodimonte
Francesco Brina (attributed to) Leda and the Swan Casa Buonarroti
Battistello Caracciolo Leda and the Swan Capodimonte
1st - 2nd century AD Leda of the "Naples-Uffizi" type Uffizi
apollo flaying marsyas
Luca Giordano Apollo and Marsyas Capodimonte
Antonio Corradini Apollo Flaying Marsyas Victoria and Albert Museum
Statuette of the hanging Marsyas !st century AD San Antonio Museum of Art SAMA
Relief depicting the Flaying of Marsyas 2nd century AD, Roman Museo deo Gladiatori
Antonio Guardi Apollo Ca'Rezzonico
Apollo Sauroctono 2nd century AD, Roman Uffizi
Pietro Francavilla Apollo Victoria and Albert Museum
Statue of Apollo resting 2nd century AD Uffizi
Unknown Artist Apollo Casa Buonarroti
Juan Soriano Apollo with Fishes Soumaya
zeus impregnating danaë
Tiziano Vecellio and workshop Danaë The Art Institute of Chicago
Tiziano Vecellio Danaë Kunsthistorisches
Andrea Schiavone Danae Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte
nymphs and satyrs
Gerard van Honthorst Satyr and Nymph Rijksmuseum
Giovanni Battista Trabucco Nymph Soumaya
Ferdinando Andreini Nymph Soumaya
Alfred Boucher Nymph of the Shell Soumaya
Moyses van Wtenbrouck A Bathing Nymph Taken by Surprise by a Satyr Rijksmuseum
Palma Vecchio Bathing Nymphs Kunsthistorisches
Tiepolo The Dance of the Satyrs Ca'Rezzonico
Head of a bearded satyr or Silenos 1st century AD San Antonio Museum of Art SAMA
Pompeii Satyr playing a flute National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Satyr with grapes 2nd century AD Uffizi
Claude Lorrain Landscape with the Nymph Egeria Capodimonte
Titian Nymph and Shepherd Kunsthistorisches
judgement of paris
Peter Paul Rubens The Judgement of Paris Soumaya
Scarsellino The Judgement of Paris Uffizi
Pacecco de Rosa Judgement of Paris Capodimonte
odysseus and calypso
Gerard de Lairesse Mercury Ordering Calypso to Release Odysseus Rijksmuseum
Gerard de Lairesse Odysseus and Calypso Rijksmuseum
Henri Lehmann Calypso Minneapolis Institute of Art
the calumny of apelles
Maerten de Vos The Calumny of Apelles Palazzo Ducale
Maerten de Vos The Calumny of Apelles (detail) Palazzo Ducale
dionysian scenes
Dionysian Scene 1st century AD Uffizi
Pompeii Dionysus and a Maenad National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Pompeii Dionysus and a Satyr National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Pompeii Painting with the symbols of Dionysus National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Pompeii Young Dionysos National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Jusepe de Ribera Drunken Silenus Capodimonte
Jusepe de Ribera Drunken Silenus (detail) Capodimonte
Jusepe de Ribera Drunken Silenus (detail) Capodimonte
Silenus 1st century AD Vatican
Silenus 1st century AD Vatican
polyphemus and Galatea
Luca Giordano Galatea and Polyphemus Capodimonte
Statue of a Nereid on a sea-horse, so-called Galatea 2nd century CE Uffizi
the three graces
Francesco Morandini The Three Graces Uffizi
Antonio Canova The Three Graces Victoria and Albert Museum
Pietrò Franchi The Three Graces Soumaya
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux The Three Graces Minneapolis Institute of Art
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux The Three Graces Minneapolis Institute of Art
The Three Graces Roman Piccolomini Library, Siena
rape of europa
Paolo Caliari, Veronese The Rape of Europa Palazzo Ducale
Francesco Zuccarelli Rape of Europa Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia
George Frederic Watts Europa San Domenico Museum, Forlì
Pompeii Europa riding the bull National Archaeological Museum of Naples